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"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (Jn. 10:13)
A series of messages on the theme of following Jesus.
1. John 10: Jesus, Door and Shepherd
00:00 / 27:39
3. John 1:40: Lost Sheep Found
00:00 / 30:51
5. John 8:12: The Light of the World
00:00 / 36:42
7. Jn. 13:36: Follow Me, Not Now, Afterward
00:00 / 34:14
9. John 21:22: You Follow Me
00:00 / 35:47
2. John 1:35: Following the Lamb of God
00:00 / 26:20
4. John 6: Multitude or Disciple
00:00 / 28:15
6. John 12:26: Serve Me; Follow Me
00:00 / 34:55
8. Jn. 21: Do you love Me?... Follow Me
00:00 / 33:54
10. Addendum: Agapeo and Phileo Love
00:00 / 38:22
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